Dappi Talk
“Dappi” Talk is a series of panel discussions about how Art can facilitate transformation – “Dappi” – of ourselves, cities, and societies. Panelists from various social sectors will introduce different approaches for the shift. Get inspired and hear from global practitioners of art thinking.
One month in which Tokyo will be tinged with media art!
Media Art in Tokyo
- Date and time
- Friday, February 21; 19:00 to 20:30 (open from 18:40)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
2020 is undoubtedly a prominent year for Tokyo. Mega-developments of urban landscape are lining up toward the Olympic games. Meanwhile, upgrading social and cultural infrastructure is also imperative for the city to evolve beyond the 2020. In this session, local artists and professionals will share ideas of potential power of Media art: as a means of increasing citizen engagement, as a key driver of innovations, and more.
Gerfried StockerArtistic Director at Ars Electronica
Martin HonzikFestival-Director at Ars Electronica
Keiko OkamuraCurator, Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2020
©INOUE Sayuki
Charles CarcopinoIndependent curator and video artist specializing in media art
©Paul Belêtre -
Junji TanigawaSpace composer
CEO of JTQ Inc.
Representative director of Media Ambition Tokyo -
Nami FujitaniTokyo Midtown School of the Future Festival Producer
Emiko OgawaHead of Prix Ars Electronica
Out of the box 1: “Dappi” from your own shell
- Date and time
- Saturday, February 22; 16:30 to 18:00 (open from 16:10)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
Art brings us an opportunity to get out of the box by letting us find ourselves confined in invisible barrier. Inviting artists exhibiting their works in “Dappi” room, this session explores different approaches to rediscover ourselves, and discusses how to transcend the limitations around us.
Louis-Philippe RondeauArtist
©Louis-Philippe Rondeau -
Moritz WehrmannArtist
©Hiroshi Wada
Emiko OgawaHead of Prix Ars Electronica
Dappi Exhibition | Dappi Room
Citizens of the Future : Future of education
- Date and time
- Saturday, February 22; 19:00 to 20:30 (open from 18:40)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
Rapidly changing world will require skillset of being curious, iteratively asking questions, and exploring it by hands-on experience, rather than finding a single answer to defined questions. When education is no longer about teaching knowledge at school, what should people learn through education, from who, and how? Educators, artists, and cultural institutes, will debate about the future of schools and education, covering topics such as citizen science, STEAM programs, and art thinking.
Gerfried StockerArtistic Director at Ars Electronica
Etsuko IchiharaMedia Artist
Nanako IshidoProfessor, Keio University | Founder of CANVAS (NPO)
Michael ThundercliffeGSE Senior manager
Hideaki OgawaCo-leader of Ars Electronica Futurelab
Out of the Box2: “Dappi” for innovation
- Date and time
- Sunday, February 23; 14:00 to 15:30 (open from 13:40)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
While bewildering speed of technological development brings disruptive changes in our society and economy, we keep posing the same question: is this what we wanted? It’s time to let our mindset out of the box of blind faith to technological innovations, and start thinking how to redefine the purpose of innovation. Hear from the leading artists and companies exhibiting their ongoing R&D challenges in “Dappi” Lab, and discuss what needs to be changed towards Responsible Innovation.
Bjørn KarmannDesigner
Tore KnudsenDesigner
Rie Noritake
Takayuki ItoYCAM InterLab Director
Shoko TakahashiArs Electronica Ambassador, Robot Experience Designer
Dappi Exhibition | Dappi Laboratory
Out of the box 3: “Dappi” for new social system
- Date and time
- Sunday, February 23; 16:30 to 18:00 (open from 16:10)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
The more AI technologies are integrated into products and services, the more invisible it becomes. Adoptions of AI in social and political systems have potential risks of implanting biases, overstepping privacies, monitoring and manipulating behavior, even involuntarily. Artists in “Dappi” square will discuss how we can defend ourselves from being imprisoned in the box of power and authority.
h.oArtist Group
Ai HasegawaArtist, Designer
Guillaumit and Les Plasticiens VolantsArtist
©Renaud Monfourny
Emiko OgawaHead of Prix Ars Electronica
Dappi Exhibition | Dappi Square
STARTS – Innovation at the Nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS
- Date and time
- Sunday, February 23; 19:00 to 20:30 (open from 18:40)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
STARTS is an EU Initiative to encourage synergies between arts and technology in order to facilitate innovation in industry and society. We bring together members of Ars Electronica, as well as key players of the initiative, from industry experts to artists, and discuss over how art thinking help us transcend the traditional framework of social policy development.
Nobutaka IdePresident & CEO, Wacom Co., Ltd.
Kazuko TanakaExecutive Community Producer, VoiceVision Inc.
Veronika LieblArs Electronica Director of European Cooperation
Clara BlumeDeputy Director and Head of Art, Science, and Technology at Open Austria | President of EUNIC Silicon Valley
Hideaki OgawaCo-leader of Ars Electronica Futurelab
Dappi Exhibition | Dappi Laboratory
Japanese Media and Art
- Date and time
- Monday, February 24; 16:30 to 18:00 (open from 16:10)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
Looking back over the history of past 50 years of Japanese Media and Art, this session will examine how the art influences Japanese society, and vice versa. While also reviewing international recognition of Japanese Media Artists, both Japanese and Austrian artists/educators will exchange opinion about the future role of Media Art in the society.
Atsuhito SekiguchiArtist, Professor, Aichi University of the Arts
Machiko KusaharaProfessor Emerita, Waseda University / Visiting Professor, Digital Hollywood University
©Tomoyuki Sugiyama
※Some speaker has changed. -
Yoichi OchiaiMedia Artist
©Mika Ninagawa
Emiko OgawaHead of Prix Ars Electronica
Fun-driven Activities Change the World:
Daily Practice That Turns Your Daily Life Into Something New
Daily Practice That Turns Your Daily Life Into Something New
- Date and time
- Monday, February 24; 19:00 to 20:30 (open from 18:40)
- Place
- Tokyo Midtown Design Hub International Design Liaison Center (5th floor of Midtown Tower)
- Participation fee
- Free
Though the history of living together with technologies, human lifestyle has changed dramatically. We changed the way to do things, the way to interact with devices, and even the way to communicate with other human beings; in other word, we built up new cultures and languages along with digital evolutions. Gathering experts of communication and entertainment, this session will explore the key to create cultures for the future.
Veronika LieblArs Electronica Director of European Cooperation
Rena TanakaCreative Producer in Brand & Innovation Design Dept. Hakuhodo Inc.
Motoko TanakaPresident, Ground Level Inc.
©Miki Chishaki -
Koichi AraakeFuture Design Dept. Innovation Strategy Div. BANDAI NAMCO Research Inc.
Hideaki Ogawa(Hideaki Ogawa)
Co-leader of Ars Electronica Futurelab
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